EMPOWER SUCCESS STORY – Pavement Recycling


Needed dynamic Project Reporting to aide in 21 Week Implementation, Needed a platform to show projected revenue and create one version of the truth across multiple branches. In addition they needed cross company project reporting and utilizes equipment in multiple companies.


We were able to create and functionality validate both out of the box and custom fields related to Projects to create a dynamic solution in 4 months. We were able to create a solution to show equipment utilization on revenue projects and created a category to show production qty that was finished. This was all centered around power bi and wouldn’t have been possible without the reporting tool to show the key measures around the solution.

Power BI Dashboards were used from day one to go live to phase II to make adoption, validation and data migration work in a very small implementation window. Without the dashboards below with drill through and breakdown by branch dimension success would not have been attainable. PBI was used as a functional implementation and adoption tool from the first day onsite to go live and was critical to success.

Additionally, Pavement Recycling was able to take 10 to 15 users out of D365 and put them solely into Power BI Dashboards. This created a license savings of $1500 a month.

Example Dashboard